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Department of Electrical Machines,
Drives and Measurements

Table of Contents

Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska, Frede Blaabjerg, Jose Rodriguez (Editors)

Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives

Table of Contents

Part I - Advanced Power Electronic Control in Renewable Energy Sources

1. Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems
Ke Ma, Yongheng Yang and Frede Blaabjerg

2. Advanced Control of Photovoltaic and Wind Turbines Power Systems
Yongheng Yang, Wenjie Chen and Frede Blaabjerg

3. Control of Grid Connected Converter (GCC) Under Grid Voltage Disturbances
Marek Jasiński, Grzegorz Wrona and Szymon Piasecki

4. Faults and Diagnosis Systems in Power Converters
Kyo-Beum Lee and Ui-Min Choi

Part II - Predictive Control of Power Converters and Drives

5. Predictive Control in Power Electronics and Drives: Basic Concepts, Theory, and Methods
Daniel E. Quevedo, Ricardo P. Aguilera and Tobias Geyer

6. Application of Predictive Control in Power Electronics: An AC-DC-AC Converter System
Jose Rodriguez, Haitham Abu-Rub, Marcelo A. Perez and Samir Kouro

7. Application of the Long-Horizon Predictive Control to the Drive System with Elastic Joint
Krzysztof Szabat, Piotr Serkies and Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska

Part III - Neuro and Nonlinear Control of Power Converters and Drives

8. Adaptive Neurocontrollers for Drive Systems: Basic Concepts, Theory and Applications
Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska and Marcin Kamiński

9. Advanced Control and Optimization Techniques in AC Drives and DC/AC Sine Wave Voltage Inverters: Selected Problems
Bartłomiej Ufnalski, Lech M. Grzesiak and Arkadiusz Kaszewski

10 Space Vector Modulation in Three-Phase Three-Level Flying Capacitor Converter-Fed Adjustable Speed Drive
Sebastian Styński and Mariusz Malinowski

11 Some Aspects of Nonlinear and Discontinuous Control with Induction Motor Applications
Dariusz L. Sobczuk

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