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Department of Electrical Machines,
Drives and Measurements

Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska (Editor)

Power Electronics and Electrical Drives – selected problems

Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2007

This book presents the main results of actual research work performed by the leading research groups of Polish technical universities in the field of power electronics and electrical drives. It contains 34 chapters divided into two main parts: Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, respectively.

The first one deals with the most actual problems of power electronics like the analysis and application of multilevel matrix converters and resonant inverters, control problems of PWM rectifiers, power conditioning systems with SMES, specific problems of electromagnetic compatibility in power electronics, heat problems in power electronics devices, power electronic converters in electrical power engineering systems with fuel cells and hybrid generation, computer-aided research and teaching methods in power electronics.

The second part describes the problems of state variables estimation for the induction motor drives using flux simulators and neural estimators as well as different MRAS-type speed estimators, problems of vibration suppression in resilient drive systems using different control structures and algorithms, control techniques for DC and AC permanent magnet motors, including adaptive and fuzzy control as well as identification of initial rotor position in PMSM drive, control methods of direct servodrives, specific problems of DTC method for the induction motor drives, including new modulation techniques and sensorless FPGA realisation, high-speed drives, different algorithms and control structures for converter-fed drives applied in the renewable energy systems.

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